The DEstructors among us work continuously to sow chaos and disruption. Lies are their greatest weapon, lack of respect their greatest earmark. Because there are so few of them, they build their army by hoodwinking honest, CONstructive patriots, like you and me, certain we are doing good, into devoting our energy to DEstruction. ... The Greed Cruelty and Ugliness team, also known as the Making Money Justifies Enslavement team, has such a grip on our society and culture and media, that it is quite literally tearing us apart, institution by institution, at the seams. It is an energy stream of utter DEstruction, but it is powered almost entirely by hoodwinked patriots who believe they are doing good. And who may have the power, now, to determine the future of this country. *** Most of us, by a very large margin, are CONstructors. Meaning that we believe that we are building something good for ourselves and our family. We are Americans, and are all proud of that. We live in pride of our freedom, do we not? Is it not reasonable to assume that what we believe we are CONstructing will be good for us and for our families? *** This is an important starting point that us Americans do have in common: we believe ourselves to be CONstructors, defending and enhancing our democratic freedoms, building a better life for our descendants.... *** Complete audio HERE (5m26s) *** [Vocabulary explained in Season 2 Episode 2]
season 2: an old guy who knows shit explains it all for you
Episode 1: Introduction to Season 2
Episode 2: Cosmology & Ukraine
Episode 4: The Freedom to Make Money? Or the Freedom to Live?
Episode 6: In Bed With the Devil
Episode 6A: Not Just In Bed With the Devil
Episode 7: The Powell Memo - A Conspiracy Fact
season 1: stories from life
Episode 3: The Origin Story Pt. 1
Episode 4: The Origin Story Pt. 2
Episode 7: Dreams, Pt. 2
For pics see:
Dream Lesions
Episode 13: Watchers
Hand Drawing of UFO
are you a hoodwinked patriot?
eye candy
slide shows - watch while listening
Here are the original slideshows that went up with this site. your slide show will open in a new window, so start it first
/ water / fire / trees / wildlife
Here are three flickr slideshows (the icon to play the slideshow is in the upper right corner):
A Carolina Dawn (40 slides)
Big Bend National Park (200 slides)
Hummingbirds (70 slides)
And Stluhdog's Unsplash page (currently 90 photos), where all photos are hi-res and downloadable for free, but the slideshow will not play automatically - you have to click.
ever ridden a motorcycle?
there will always be some free rides here: real time rides
the camera is under his nose, so the viewer is driving the motorcycle, and then the rides unfold in real time. you drive, but nobody can ever get hurt. it's surprisingly meditative, and even more surprisingly a really effective accompaniment to a podcast. you see, when you ride you spend many hours alone with yourself inside that helmet, and for stluhdog, wandering around those vast spaces is profound, precious and sacred time.